Here’s What You Need To Know About Angel 666 Number Meaning Including Love!
Numerologist, Writer
Ready to explore the intriguing world of the 666 angel number?
While 666 has negative connotations in Christianity, it means only positive things in numerology—even if this number is your angels trying to point out self-sabotaging behaviors. After all, once you know what the behavior is, you can change it.
In this respect, 666 is an opportunity to transform things for the better. And we all could do with a little more positive change in our lives—don’t you agree?
What Does 666 Angel Number Mean?
Usually, 666 means you’re suffering from an imbalance of some kind.
The imbalance might be there because you’re doing things that aren’t good for you, such as drinking too much, being too obsessed with social media, or overeating. All of this could distract you from your divine purpose—the reason why you incarnated on the physical plane.
Want To Know What Your Life’s Purpose Is?
Your date of birth and name can tell you something important. The little secret is that you learn your true self and purpose, how to deal with challenges using your abilities, spiritual gifts and strengths, and much more. This is how you can find inner peace and balance. Interesting, isn’t it?
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666 could also mean that because you’re too focused on the material world, you’re neglecting your spiritual needs. This can cause you to succumb to worries, fears, and other types of negativity.
To avoid this problem
To avoid this problem
Most forms of meditation allow you to watch your thoughts from a detached perspective, which slows down mental activity so that it becomes a trickle instead of a raging river.
Angel Number 666: Its Deeper Numerological Meaning
Our spirit guides use angel numbers—such as 111, 444, and 999— in a zillion different ways. The same thing is true with angel number 666.
Ready to dive more deeply into the meanings of angel number 666? If so, here are some more to help keep you on the right path:
Stop Being Such a People Pleaser
They have an overwhelming desire to make other people happy—even if that means they need to make themselves secondary to others.
While there’s certainly nothing wrong with helping, taking it too far is a recipe for anxiety, stress, and emotional depletion. If you’re seeing 666 when thinking whether or not you’re guilty of this problem, the answer is most likely a resounding “yes.”
One way to get out of this trap is to come up with 10 ways to pamper yourself, then do one each week. For example, you could treat yourself to a relaxing day at the spa, go on a wilderness retreat, or spend an entire day in bed.
You’re About to Burn Out
Are you a type A personality, with a borderline obsession for always making your boss happy? If so, then 666 might be your angels telling you that you’re in danger of burning out. They want you to know that by being way too focused on fattening up your employer’s bottom line, you’re neglecting your own needs.
If you burn out, your boss won’t care
Kelly Lord
He’ll just hire someone to take your place, leaving you to pick up the pieces on your own. So, while it’s okay to go the extra mile in the workplace, don’t take it to the point that it puts your mental and physical wellbeing at risk.
You Need to Love Yourself More
666 might be saying you need to fall in love with yourself all over again.
We thought we were the greatest thing that ever came down the pike—the apples of our parents’ eyes. However, as we got older, self-loathing set in as we internalized the negative messages of advertisers who constantly said there’s something wrong with us.
And of course, the void could only be remedied by the products they so graciously offered to sell us. So, if 666 pops when you’re wallowing in self-hatred, it’s your angelic guides telling you to treat yourself more kindly.
666 When Thinking of Someone
If you’re thinking about someone and see the 666 angel number, it means that there’s a problem in the relationship you have with that person that’s about to rear its ugly head.
If you want to avoid trouble, have a heart-to-heart talk with the individual. That way, you ensure that nothing is festering underneath the surface that could jeopardize the good feelings you have for each other.
666 and Career

It means you hate your job, despite how many times you try to convince yourself you don’t
Even if you’re not being honest with yourself, your angel guides can see that you despise work. They’ve sent 666 to tell you to do that which makes you happy.
666 in Health
If you have habits that are ruining your health, then the 666 angel number could mean you need to replace them with better ones.
- Kelly Lord
- Numerologist
Perhaps you get home from work and drink cocktail after cocktail until you fall into a drunken stupor.
This daily ritual puts you at risk of getting liver disease, high blood pressure, a weakened immune response, and lots of other things. Your angels have sent 666 as a reminder that you should be taking better care of yourself.
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666 in Money/Finances
If 666 shows up when you’re thinking about finances, it means that you’re too obsessed with money. Your egoic identification with wealth has blinded you to true abundance, which lies deep within you and not in the outside world.
This is a paradox so many high achievers fail to grasp. They end up feeling miserable instead of happy—the exact opposite of what they expected.
666 Meaning in Love
If you’re single, seeing 666 is a sign that you need to get all your emotional ducks in a row before starting a relationship. If you don’t take time to process the lingering hurt from your previous relationship, there’s a good chance that this emotional baggage will end up undermining your current one. Then, Instead of creating something wonderful together, you’ll only repeat the dysfunctional patterns of past partnerships.
If you’re already in a relationship, 666 means that you need to rekindle your romance before it sputters out. While you might not realize that your relationship has lost its spark, your angel guides have—which is why they sent you this message.
666 and Twin Flames
Twin flames are one soul occupying two separate bodies. If you’re single and keep seeing 666, it could mean you’re about to reunite with yours.
While 666 is telling you to get ready for the reappearance of your literal other half, there’s one caveat: you could be in for a bumpy ride.
Because being with a twin flame is like looking into a mirror, they reveal who you are in startling detail. So, if you don’t mind seeing your fears, insecurities, and psychological deficits reflected in another, you’ll love being with your twin flame.
666 Meaning in Spirituality
The spiritual meaning of angel number 666 is to never forget that you’re a divine being housed in a dwelling made of flesh and bone. By always remembering that material reality springs from the spiritual dimension, you’ll be able to see things from a higher perspective.
Your angels want you to know that spiritual transformation isn’t something only achieved by mystics sitting on mountaintops. You also have the ability to transcend material reality, just like the great sages throughout history have done.
666 in Roman Numerals
Some people say that angel numbers are a recent invention. However, nothing could be further from the truth!
In fact, numerology use spans thousands of years, if not more. The angels got together before the earth was created and devised this exceedingly elegant means of communication. Almost every culture that ever existed has benefited from it.
Let’s say you’re a Roman soldier wanting to know if you’re spiritually balanced. You also believe that ethereal entities are guiding you—even if you don’t call them angels.
You’d look for DCLXVI (the Roman equivalent of 666) everywhere you went. You’d see if DCLXVI appeared as you walked towards the Coliseum. You’d try to spot DCLXVI in the dice you used in games of chance.
And you know what? Even if you relied on angel numbers thousands of years ago, your guides wouldn’t have let you down! They would have provided you with the exact information you needed to restore balance to your life.
Why Do Some People Consider 666 “the Devil’s Number”?
Symbols typically rely on context for meaning. For example, in the Bible, 666 is the “Mark of the Beast.” Which, of course, has lots of negative connotations.
However, in China, 666 means something fantastic—you’re about to experience good fortune.
In numerology, 666 is one of the most positive numbers you could ever come across. So, get rid of all your negative ideas about this angel number if you’re planning on using numerology.
Omen Definition and How it Relates to 666
When most people hear the word “omen,” they think it’s something bad. Whether that’s good or bad depends on your interpretation.
A foreshadowing of sorts
A foreshadowing of sorts
Let’s say a butterfly flutters into your home. Now, suppose you were deathly afraid of these creatures (there’s actually a name for this phobia—lepidopterophobia). In that case, you’d see the butterfly as something to be feared.
However, if you love butterflies, you’d welcome it with open arms. You might even consider it a good omen, as so many people do.
This is exactly what happens with angel number 666. Some people think it’s evil, while others believe it’s a harbinger of wonderful things.
666 and the Tarot
In the Tarot, 6 symbolizes “The Lovers.” And in numerology, 6 represents unconditional love. By meditating on this Tarot card, you’ll boost your ability to love not only yourself, but others too.
Archangel Ariel: The Embodiment of Angel Number 666
Ever heard of Archangel Ariel?
She’s the celestial entity that embodies the energies of angel number 666.
While Ariel is sometimes depicted as a male, she’s usually shown as female. However, it doesn’t really matter which sex people see her as, because angels are spiritual beings who don’t really have gender.
Ariel harnesses the energies of 666 to convey the all-encompassing love God has for humans.
She wants us all to be like our Creator, and love everyone unconditionally—including our enemies.
Like countless pop songs tell us, we could all use a little more of this emotion in our world. Archangel Ariel’s mission is to help bring more of that love into the universe.
Some people believe that because they did horrible things in the past, they don’t deserve love. Ariel is telling you that no matter how unworthy you feel, love is who you are at your core. So, when you say you don’t deserve to be loved, you’re negating who you are.
Perhaps it was for a significant other, God, or a pet
Kelly Lord
This is the kind of love Archangel Ariel wants you to have for yourself. Once you get really good at showering yourself with affection, you can do the same thing for your spiritual brothers and sisters who share the planet with you.
Angel numbers are a repeating series of digits. They’re not meaningless gibberish, but crucial pieces of information meant to guide you on your life’s journey. They can appear anywhere, including Home Depot receipts, dreams, a stranger’s T-shirt, or even clouds.
If you’re wondering how angel numbers work, it’s actually quite simple. Your angelic guides transmit energy earthward containing a message meant for a specific individual. Once the energy reaches the planet, it coalesces into a string of numbers. Each numerical sequence has an energy designed to attract the attention of the person it was meant for.
If you’re seeing 666 everywhere you look, it means that your life is out of balance. The pendulum has swung too far one way and needs to return to the middle. Your angelic guides have noticed this, even if you haven’t, which is why you’re seeing 666.
If you’re wondering what to do when seeing number 666, keep in mind that its meaning varies from day to day, and even from hour to hour. Write down the exact time you saw it and what was going through your mind when it appeared. Then, use the information in this article to help you figure out what your heavenly guides are trying to tell you.
If you see 666 but fail to act on its message, your angels will keep sending this number until you do. So, keep your eyes peeled for 666, and use your inner wisdom to decipher the message’s meaning.
6 is the number of selflessness and unconditional love. It also symbolizes peace, compassion, service, and humanity. 666 amplifies all of these qualities by a factor of three.
Let’s say you keep seeing 666 when trying to manifest something, but aren’t having any success. In that case, it typically means your feelings of unworthiness are interfering with attracting what you desire. If you want to be successful with manifestation practice, you’ll need to start feeling like you deserve good things.
In Conclusion
Forget about all the bad things you’ve heard about the 666 angel number. That’s because in numerology, it only means good things.
In fact, 666 is one of the most positive numbers you’ll ever encounter. If this numerical sequence starts popping up like wildflowers after a spring rain, it’s a sign that the angels have information to share with you that could end up changing your life.
So, keep your eyes peeled, because you never know when and where the 666 angel number will appear!
Numerologist, Writer
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