Find Your Life Purpose and Unlock Your Best Life

Numerologist, Writer
Are you sitting there, staring at the ceiling, pondering the age-old question, “What is my purpose in life? Who am I?” If you are, don’t think you’re crazy. We’ve all been there. This problem has plagued humanity since the dawn of time.
Thinking about your purpose can give you a whopping headache. However, finding your purpose is one of the most important things you’ll ever do.
That’s because finding a purpose in life not only provides you with stability and a sense of direction—it also gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
Before we get in too deep, here’s one caveat: make sure your purpose isn’t foisted on you by well-meaning relatives and friends. That’s because you’ll only end up miserable.
For example, your aunt Sarah might tell you that the purpose of life is settling down and having kids. Or your uncle Frank thinks you need to go to law school.
Then, your best friend since the fifth grade says you should invest your life savings in cryptocurrency. While these things might be their ideas of happiness, they’re probably not yours.
It’s a profoundly personal journey. Life purposes are as unique as snowflakes—what works for one person won’t necessarily work for somebody else.
For some, finding their purpose could be a fulfilling career. For others, it’s all about becoming one with the cosmos or contributing to the greater good. Some people even feel compelled to give up all their worldly possessions and live in the wild–just like St. Francis of Assisi did.
As we have said before, discovering purpose is one of the most essential questions you could ever ask about life. That’s why you should consider investing time and energy into finding yours and all the information you need.
What’s the Purpose of Life?
Millions of people throughout the centuries have asked existential questions such as:
- “What’s the point of life?”
- “What’s my purpose?”
- “How do I find my purpose in life?”
- “What do I want to accomplish before I die?”
- “Should my purpose involve helping others or just myself?”
You might not find answers to these questions that make sense for everyone. But you can definitely discover your own sense of purpose.
Some people believe that they incarnated on this planet to carry out a mission. For these individuals, existence is an epic adventure that spans lifetimes.
While you might not buy into this concept, it’s essential to find your purpose, whatever that might be. Nobody can ever tell you what your purpose is.
That’s something you need to find out on your own. It’s all about discovering what truly fulfills you—what makes your journey worthwhile. It’s the difference between following somebody’s else’s script and writing your own story.
Powerful Tool Can Help You Find Your Purpose
Exploring these profoundly personal questions is the first step of a fantastic journey of self-discovery. You’ll start to see how your inner world—thoughts, feelings, and dreams—is connected to the outside world.
Consider taking one of the esoteric arts—such as numerology and astrology—out for a spin to accelerate this journey. They’re powerful tools you can use to find your purpose.
These age-old practices have been a game-changer for millions. And if esoteric arts like numerology and astrology have helped so many achieve the life of their dreams, imagine what they can do for you.
Take numerology, for instance. The precise calculation of numbers, such as your birth date, helps you triumph over challenges and uncover talents you never knew you had.
You might be thinking, ‘”All this sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo.” We get it. But give it a chance before you toss it aside. You’d be surprised how many skeptical people (like you) find practical, real-world benefits in the esoteric arts once they get rid of their doubts.
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Why is Finding Your Purpose so Important?
We’ve all had moments where we felt like we didn’t know what to do with our lives. This can cause us to feel as if we’re drifting aimlessly, like an abandoned boat on a desolate sea.
Instead of shaping our destiny, we passively react to circumstances. This is no way to be!
We make ourselves feel even worse by thinking everybody else has it figured out. All the while, we desperately struggle by ourselves, trying to make sense of it all. If this is your reality, I’ve got news: many people still don’t know what they want to do with their lives.
It becomes your North Star, guiding you like a bright beacon
Kelly Lord – Numerologist
Suddenly, the fog lifts, and you’re able to pilot your boat to where it needs to be.
Discovering your purpose can change your life in the twinkling of an eye. It’s the spice that reinvigorates not only your senses but the way you look at the world.
So, if your life lacks joy, try finding something to do that’s personally meaningful to you. That’s because doing things that feel important is the one of the best ways to live a blissful life.
You no longer have to drag yourself out of bed every morning, dreading the day with every fiber of your being. Instead, you’re excited to sink your teeth into projects that take you closer to your dreams.
Carrying out purposeful actions helps you feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. It’s the feeling that what you’re doing matters, not just to you but to the world around you. You become a part of something greater than yourself, and that’s immensely rewarding.
Try to have a purpose that not only benefits you personally but helps uplift humanity.
Doing this can boost life satisfaction because it feels so good to help your fellow humans.
Their joy becomes your joy. And pretty soon, you become addicted to the experience. Keep in mind this kind of addiction isn’t bad for you. Instead, it can increase your emotional and even physical health.
Not finding your purpose can cause you to feel that life has no meaning. You might go through the motions, but deep down, you know something is missing. This can lead to dissatisfaction, anxiety, and even depression. Eventually, these negative feelings can cause your physical and emotional health to nosedive.
That’s why finding your purpose as soon as possible is so important. But it’s not something that’s going to happen overnight.
If you continually say to yourself, “I have no purpose,” or “I don’t know what to do with my life” with alarming regularity, don’t give in to negative feelings. That’s because finding your purpose in life is a journey, not a destination. It may take a while, but it’s worth it!
How to Find Your Life Purpose: Useful Tips
If you want to know how to live with purpose, here are some questions to ask about yourself:
- What brings you joy?
- What makes you so excited you can’t wait to jump out of bed in the morning?
- What would you be doing if you had only one year to live?
- What legacy do you hope to leave behind for future generations?
- What are the challenges that made you the person you are today?
- How can those experiences contribute to a sense of purpose?
- Think about your role models for a second. In what ways do they inspire you?
Spend as much time as you need to write down your answers, and let them sit for a day or two. Then, return to what you wrote and see if you take any of these ideas and convert them into a life purpose.
Note: Use self-awareness tools, they will help you to have a better understanding and knowledge of yourself.
Once you find your purpose, crystallize it in a personal mission statement. This is a document that describes your values, your strengths, and your goals. These days, not many companies would even think about conducting business without a mission statement. And if it works for them, it can work for you too.
- Kelly Lord
- Numerologist, Author
A personal mission statement guides your actions when making critical decisions about your future. It should be short–at most, two or three sentences. It should be worded in the present tense so it feels like it’s happening right now. It should be inspiring, motivating you to follow through on your goals even when the going gets tough.
Here are some examples:

who uses my God-given talents to make the world a better place

who helps people create a life that surpasses what they could envision in their wildest dreams

that elevate people’s consciousness. People aren’t only entertained by my films but feel spiritually uplifted

who sees everyone I treat as an individual

with a burning passion to preserve nature for future generations
Things that Keep You From Finding Your Purpose
Looking for a life purpose is all well and good. But instead of only concerning yourself with the question, “What should I do,” be aware that there will be pitfalls on your journey. These obstacles have a nasty tendency to rear their ugly heads once you commit to finding what you’re meant to do. Here are a few:
Sometimes, we’re too afraid to venture out of our comfort zones and try new things. If you want to find your purpose, you need to get out and live life with gusto. That’s the only way you’re going to discover unrealized passions.
Let’s say you’re one of the lucky ones who’ve discovered your purpose. Congrats! But you won’t get anywhere if you don’t write down exactly what it is and how you’ll make it happen. To prevent this from happening, grab a pen and paper and craft a personal mission statement, as we mentioned in an earlier section. Doing this ensures your vision becomes gloriously real instead of an unfulfilled daydream.
Living your purpose can get lonely if you don’t have buddies ready to support you when the going gets tough. So, seek out people who’ve also found their purpose. You’ll inspire each other as well as be able to give advice on how to lead a life brimming with purpose.
It’s natural to be afraid of failing when you’re trying something new, such as fulfilling your purpose. But setbacks aren’t failures–they’re valuable learning experiences. That’s why you should never let the fear of failure hold you back.
Sometimes, your purpose may evolve or even change direction. One way to determine this is checking to make sure you still have passion for your purpose. If not, it might be a good idea to find a new one. By being flexible, you’ll continue to move forward instead of staying stuck.
Personal growth tips from renowned experts in the field of esotericism.
Picture a world where people are purpose-driven instead of only trying to make it through the day. Instead of drinking themselves into oblivion or engaging in other destructive habits, people would devote themselves to a cause greater than themselves–thereby making the world a better place.
If everybody lived this way, our reality would change in the twinkling of an eye.
I hope you’ll join me on an epic adventure where everyone discovers their purpose—starting with you!
Kelly Lord
Numerologist, Writer
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